Digitisation at the Palazzo del Te
From 17 January to 7 February 2022, a team of digitisation specialists from ARCHiVe and the Factum Foundation digitised the Hall of Giants, the Hall of Cupid and Psyche and the Hall of Horses in high resolution. The data obtained with the help of LiDAR, photogrammetry and panoramic photography will belong to the Fondazione Palazzo Te and contribute to the documentation, conservation, research and dissemination of the halls. In addition, this data will also be used for future innovative exhibition projects.
The Factum Foundation and the Fondazione Palazzo Te have teamed up to carry out an extensive high-resolution digitisation project in three rooms of Palazzo Te. The palace, built in the mid-16th century as a resort for the Gonzaga family, was designed and frescoed by Giulio Pippi, better known as Giulio Romano.
Further details on the digitisation project can be found on the pages of the Factum Foundation: